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Render Wrapper

Render outer wrapper

By default, <Float> does not render the outer wrapper element, for example, as shown in the following example:

<Float show>
  <button type="button">button</button>

The following HTML will be rendered:

<button type="button">button</button>

Since the default as for <Float> is template, it directly renders the child element. If you want to wrap other elements, you can pass in a different as prop:

<Float show as="div">
  <button type="button">button</button>

And it will render the outer wrapper element:

  <button type="button">button</button>

Render floating element wrapper

The wrapper element for the floating element can be set using the floating-as prop, and by default it is div:

<Float show>
  <button type="button">button</button>

The following HTML will be rendered:

<button type="button">button</button>

If you set floating-as to template, the floating element will not render the wrapper element, but position the floating element itself directly:

<Float show floating-as="template">
  <button type="button">button</button>

And it will render the following HTML:

<button type="button">button</button>

Pass component wrapper

Sometimes you may need to add HTML attributes or classes to the wrapper of the floating element, you can use the Functional Component of Vue:

import { h, mergeProps } from 'vue'

const Wrapper = (props, { slots }) => {
  return h('div', mergeProps(props, {
    'class': 'wrapper-class',
    'data-label': 'wrapper label',
  }), slots)

Then passing the component:

<Float show :floating-as="Wrapper">
  <button type="button">button</button>

The following HTML will be rendered:

<button type="button">button</button>
<div class="wrapper-class" data-label="wrapper label">

If using TypeScript, you can add the FunctionalComponent type:

import { type FunctionalComponent, h, mergeProps } from 'vue'

const Wrapper: FunctionalComponent = (props, { slots }) => {
  return h('div', mergeProps(props, {
    'class': 'wrapper-class',
    'data-label': 'wrapper label',
  }), slots)


If you don't want to use the approach of passing component, you can use the <FloatContent> component instead, following the usage instructions for the Composable Mode.

Notice of template ref

The <Float> component retrieves two child elements from the slot: the reference element and the floating element. It then binds the refs of these two child elements to get the DOM, which can then be passed to the Floating UI for positioning. Once the Vue component has bound the refs inside the <Float> component, it cannot be re-bind externally. Therefore, the following two bindings are invalid:

<Float show>
  <input ref="referenceElRef" type="text"> <!-- X -->
  <div ref="floatingElRef">content</div> <!-- X -->

If you wrap the reference element in an element like <div>, you can bind the ref inside the reference element, but it still won't work for the floating element:

<Float show>
    <input ref="referenceElRef" type="text"> <!-- V -->
    <div ref="floatingElRef">content</div> <!-- X -->

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