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Since the control of the display is in the Headless UI component, it can usually be used directly without any setting.

But if we need to control the display of the floating element (<MenuItems>) manually, we need to set the show prop. Then set static on the component of the floating element to make it static, so that we can manually control the display state:

  <Float :show="show">
    <MenuButton @click="toggle">

    <MenuItems static>

<script setup>
const show = ref(false)
const toggle = () => {
  show.value = !show.value

HTML elements can also be used directly by setting show to control the display of floating elements (<div>):

<Float :show="show">
  <button @click="toggle">


<script setup>
const show = ref(false)
const toggle = () => {
  show.value = !show.value


CSS z-index property for the floating element, the default value is 9999, and other numbers can be set:

<Float :z-index="100">

Position mode

The default is to use CSS top / left to position floating elements. If you need to use CSS transform to position floating elements, you can enable transform:

<Float transform>

Released under the MIT License.