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Component API


Provides positioning floating element, transition, and portal.

  • Props

    interface FloatProps {
       * The element or component the <Float> should render as.
       * Default: "template"
      as?: string | FunctionalComponent
       * The element or component that wraps the floating element.
       * Default: "div"
      floatingAs?: string | FunctionalComponent
       * Control the floating element is show or not.
       * Set to `true` / `false` to force the display or not,
       * But if set to `null` it will give over control to the Headless UI component.
       * Default: null
      show?: boolean
       * Floating placement.
       * Default: "bottom-start"
      placement?: Placement
       * CSS `position` property of the floating element.
       * Default: "absolute"
      strategy?: Strategy
       * The offset (px) of the floating element from the reference element.
      offset?: OffsetOptions
       * Move the reference elements back into the view.
       * Default: false
      shift?: boolean | number | Partial<ShiftOptions & DetectOverflowOptions>
       * Change to the opposite placement to keep it in view.
       * Default: false
      flip?: boolean | number | Partial<FlipOptions & DetectOverflowOptions>
       * Enable arrow positioning, or setting the padding between container and arrow.
       * Default: false
      arrow?: boolean | number
       * Floating elements choose the placement with more space left.
       * Default: false
      autoPlacement?: boolean | Partial<AutoPlacementOptions & DetectOverflowOptions>
       * Apply the classes when the reference element is not visible.
       * - Apply `referenceHiddenClass` when enabled referenceHidden strategy
       * - Apply `escapedClass` when enabled escaped strategy
       * Default: false
      hide?: boolean | Partial<HideOptions & DetectOverflowOptions> | Partial<HideOptions & DetectOverflowOptions>[]
      referenceHiddenClass?: string
      escapedClass?: string
       * Automatically update floating elements when needed.
       * Default: true
      autoUpdate?: boolean | Partial<AutoUpdateOptions>
       * CSS `z-index` property for the floating element.
       * Default: 9999
      zIndex?: number | string
       * Using the Vue built-in Transition component to transition.
       * Default: false
      vueTransition?: boolean
       * Use named class to define transition styles.
      transitionName?: string
       * CSS transition type.
      transitionType?: 'transition' | 'animation'
       * Props for customizing transition classes.
      enter?: string
      enterFrom?: string
      enterTo?: string
      leave?: string
      leaveFrom?: string
      leaveTo?: string
       * The origin class of transform.
      originClass?: string | OriginClassResolver
       * Enable automatically setting Tailwind CSS origin class.
       * Default: false
      tailwindcssOriginClass?: boolean
       * Render the floating element to the end of `<body>`.
       * Default: false
      portal?: boolean
       * Use CSS transform to positioning floating element.
       * Default: false
      transform?: boolean
       * Floating element adaptive width.
       * Default: false
      adaptiveWidth?: boolean
       * Enable Composable mode.
       * Default: false
      composable?: boolean
       * Enable Dialog mode.
       * Default: false
      dialog?: boolean
       * Customizing middleware for Floating UI.
       * Default: () => []
      middleware?: Middleware[] | ((refs: {
        referenceEl: Ref<ReferenceElement | null>
        floatingEl: Ref<HTMLElement | null>
      }) => Middleware[])
    type OriginClassResolver = (placement: Placement) => string
  • Events

    • @show
    • @hide
    • @update
  • Slot Props

    interface FloatSlotProps {
       * Current floating element placement.
      placement: Placement


Can be used for reference element that needs to be referenced when Composable Mode is enabled.

  • Props

    <FloatReference> accepts the same props as <Float>:

    interface FloatReferenceProps extends Pick<FloatProps, 'as'> {}
  • Slot Props

    interface FloatReferenceSlotProps {
       * Current floating element placement.
      placement: Placement
  • See also: Composable Mode


Can be used for floating element that needs to be positioned when Composable Mode is enabled.

  • Props

    <FloatContent> accepts the same props as <Float> includes as, vue-transition, transition-name, transition-type, enter, enter-from, enter-to, leave, leave-from, leave-to, origin-class, tailwindcss-origin-class props, plus a additional prop:

    interface FloatContentProps extends Pick<FloatProps, 'as' | 'vueTransition' | 'transitionName' | 'transitionType' | 'enter' | 'enterFrom' | 'enterTo' | 'leave' | 'leaveFrom' | 'leaveTo' | 'originClass' | 'tailwindcssOriginClass'> {
       * Use the `<TransitionChild>` of Headless UI.
       * Default: false
      transitionChild?: boolean
  • Slot Props

    interface FloatContentSlotProps {
       * Current floating element placement.
      placement: Placement
  • See also: Composable Mode


Provides positioning arrow element.

  • Props

    interface FloatArrowProps {
       * The element or component the arrow should render as.
       * Default: "div"
      as?: string | FunctionalComponent
       * Offset of the arrow to the outside of the floating element.
       * Default: 4
      offset?: number
  • Slot Props

    interface FloatArrowSlotProps {
       * Current floating element placement.
      placement: Placement
  • See also: Arrow


Utilizes the Floating UI Virtual Elements is often used to implement functionality such as context menu and mouse cursor following.

  • Props

    <FloatVirtual> accepts the same props as <Float> includes as, show, placement, strategy, offset, shift, flip, arrow, autoPlacement, autoUpdate, zIndex, vue-transition, transition-name, transition-type, enter, enter-from, enter-to, leave, leave-from, leave-to, origin-class, tailwindcss-origin-class, portal, transform, middleware props:

    interface FloatVirtualProps extends Pick<FloatProps, 'as' | 'show' | 'placement' | 'strategy' | 'offset' | 'shift' | 'flip' | 'arrow' | 'autoPlacement' | 'autoUpdate' | 'zIndex' | 'vueTransition' | 'transitionName' | 'transitionType' | 'enter' | 'enterFrom' | 'enterTo' | 'leave' | 'leaveFrom' | 'leaveTo' | 'originClass' | 'tailwindcssOriginClass' | 'portal' | 'transform' | 'middleware'> {}
  • Events

    • @show
    • @hide
    • @update
    • @initial

    The initial event of <FloatVirtual> component includes the following props:

    import type { VirtualElement } from '@floating-ui/dom'
    interface FloatVirtualInitialProps {
       * Current floating element is show or not.
      show: Ref<boolean>
       * Current floating element placement.
      placement: Readonly<Ref<Placement>>
       * Reference element.
      reference: Ref<VirtualElement>
       * Floating element.
      floating: Ref<HTMLElement | null>
  • Slot Props

    interface FloatVirtualSlotProps {
       * Current floating element placement.
      placement: Placement
       * Close virtual element.
      close: () => void
  • See also: Virtual Element


Provides positioning context menu.

  • Props

    <FloatContextMenu> accepts the same props as <FloatVirtual> except show and portal:

    interface FloatContextMenuProps extends Omit<FloatVirtualProps, 'show' | 'portal'> {}
  • Slot Props

    <FloatContextMenu> contains the same slot props as <FloatVirtual>.

  • See also: Virtual Element


Provides positioning mouse cursor following.

  • Props

    <FloatCursor> accepts the same props as <FloatVirtual> except show and portal, plus a additional prop:

    interface FloatCursorProps extends Omit<FloatVirtualProps, 'show' | 'portal'> {
       * Add the global CSS to hide the cursor.
       * Default: true
      globalHideCursor?: boolean
  • Slot Props

    <FloatCursor> contains the same slot props as <FloatVirtual>.

  • See also: Virtual Element

Released under the MIT License.